It's cold as a frozen tundra outside in DC right now - I believe Capital Weather Gang called it a balmy 2* with the wind chill. I thought this article explaining wind chill was pretty interesting...and only further confirmed my decision to not go outside today. I'll be working from my couch, under a blanket, sporting a turtleneck sweater doing calls and answering work emails. When I do finally make it out - there better be amazing pasta at the end of that jaunt. Until that time - the weekend links...
11 hit songs originally intended for other artists.
I have a couple British friends, so this list of 10 great things about Brits tickled me.
The 39 worst words of 2013 according to one grumpy grouch over at Mother Jones.
Was your data leaked in the Snapchat hack?
Can I buy you a coffee? One man's attempt to explain to other men what it's like for women to get hit on.
One woman's quest to save the lost art of conversation.
The Wolf of Wall Street's daughter wrote an open letter to the makers of the movie and it gets awkward.
Where do you feel love in you body? Hint: it's not your heart.
The 1-3-5 rule of to-do list writing and #GSD.
All LinkedIn with nowhere to go. If one of your career goals is to get more active on LinkedIn this year, think twice.
"...because men aren't supposed to be happy; they're supposed to do well." In the ongoing debate about finding happiness in our work, the conversation is very different for men than it is for women.
12 habits of healthy happy people who don't have a shit about your inner peace.
3 classic sci-fi and fantasy movies you can watch on YouTube!
The Washington Post's 2014 in/out list is pop culture gold. Out: This is everything. In: You do you. Amen!
How To: treat a woman when she's drunk/passed out on your couch.
I reached into the depths of my iTunes this week looking for untouched music to listen to while I ran errands and rediscovered my Gaby Moreno collection. About half her album is in Spanish, but even if you don't understand a word of it, you'll appreciate the ambience it creates. Have a warm weekend, lovahs!