At present, I am laying on the couch with my left ankle propped up on a pillow with an ice pack and a kitchen towel wrapped around it. Only after a three mile run and an hour long pilates class would I find myself tumbling down stairs at my pilates studio, ankle popping audibly, keys and phone flying in the air. Thankfully, I can walk on it and it seems to just be a bit tender. Nothing awful or permanent, but put it on the list of crap a person just doesn't need in their day. While I lay here, you can be reading cool shit. Meanwhile, can someone send a gorgeous man to feed me grapes or something?
This literary map of London is beautiful and adds to your winter reading list!
So few Latin artists make a successful crossover to the US, English speaking audience. This article on Brazil's, Anitta was an interesting study in what goes into making a crossover and exposed me to a new kind of music!
The internet is such a bro-y place. Follow more women on Tumblr, wouldya!?
No one expects you to be a foreign policy expert, but all this Syria talk should have you thirsting for more information. The Washington Post's series, "9 Questions You're Embarrassed To Ask" is a good primer on a number of countries and conflicts.
8 ruined cities that remain a total mystery!
Global alcohol consumption, visualized. Stereotypes and jokes abound!
How long is the perfect nap? I say two hours, but apparently experts feel differently! Hm!
Hilarious or awful: Alex Baldwin will host a Friday night culture and talk show on MSNBC starting next month.
Whether you know it or not, you negotiate every day. How are you doing with the most important person in your life? That is all.
It's SXSW panel picker time. Are you looking at the ratio of male to female speakers and panelists? You should! Diversity on stage means a much more interesting and engaging conversation. Here's 48 lady centric or lady represented panels you should be voting for!
He's an alcoholic dude with an eating disorder.
I recently finished reading Caitlin Moran's "How To Be A Woman" so this letter to her daughter had me laughing, teary eyed and of course, affirmed my love for her.
Tom Hiddleston teaches Cookie Monster an important lesson. (Good god he's attractive!)
Ladies, we put a lot of effort into becoming experts in the men we love, but do we ever put so much effort into becoming experts in ourselves? This clip - part comedy, party spoken word might make you stop and think a bit. My favorite line: "Study hard, bitches! You've got a paper due Monday morning titled 'My Man Wants To Be Treated Like A Man But Won't Act Like One!'" Have a fabulous weekend, lovahs!