See that picture up there? Yah, that was my refrigerator on Sunday after hitting the grocery store and the market. The idea? Eat a lot of veggies and healthy stuff after some time at the beach stuffing my face with nachos and orange crushes. A detox of sorts! I've eaten most of it, but I've also had pasta more nights this week than not...which is certainly not part of a sensible detox plan. Right? Argh! On to the weekend reads...
I'm not a fan of picking generational fights, but this list of 20 things 20-somethings don't get was pretty spot on. Some even applied to me!
Homeless dogs are far more prevalent in other countries than they are in the US (in Russia they even ride the subway!) so these kids took some balloons and made sure they did not go unnoticed. The result? A tearjerker.
Married, but not exclusive? I'm having the hardest time wrapping my mind around this concept.
Being a parent is hard. Raising a daughter, I'd argue, is even harder. How you talk to her about food, her body, weight - it all matters. A lot.
And let's not even get started on talking to our daughters about sex! This dad says he wants his daughter to have awesome sex!
There's a reason I love The New Girl so much: I totally relate to it (not sure what that says about me). And here's 27 quotes that have me nodding or smiling in agreement.
Imagine Shazam, but for wine. There's an app that let's you identify wine for purchase based on a pic of the label. Downloading...
Art inspires a lot, and in this case it inspires food.
Want the secret to success? Legendary (m)ad man George Lois gives it to ya straight.
See, people that make things like this are why it's hard to raise daughters. No one needs a "market value test" to determine how datable they are. We're all datable. Period.
What your Saturday night activity says about you. Oh my.
Science fiction v Competence Porn. When did we stop embracing the fantasy of making the improbable possible? Related: Ryan Britt at The Awl ponders the problem with Elysium and why our science fiction movies hate science fiction.
It's no secret that sometimes it just costs more to be a woman, but have you considered there's a cost associated with securing our safety? #2's mention of living in more expensive neighborhoods that are safer is a common theme in my life.
Have you ever mourned a relationship that never really quite happened? Ugh. Haven't we all.
I have such a girl crush on Ellie Goulding. Her cover of Tesselate, Anything Could Happen and now Burn. How can you not love this stuff!? Enjoy your weekend, lovahs!