Current status: on a train, bound for New York City. Current plan: stuff my face at Mission Chinese Food and walk it off on my way to Big Gay Ice Cream. Then waddle happily to the train and go to Long Island to hang with my friend. There'll be bad TV watching, wine drinking, beach strolls and maybe even a rib eating competition which I'll be goading my friend's boyfriend to enter. But...on to the weekend reads first...
Coffee. It never ceases to amaze me how far people will go to make the perfect cup of coffee.
It's not that I don't like Miley Cyrus, it's just that I can't handle her tongue. So this doo wop version of "We Can't Stop" makes me happy. Less cringey, more jam-y.
ICYMI: surviving Whole Foods. It's brutal out there folks. Can't a sister get her chickpea chips in peace!?
Do you hate the word yummy? So does Ruth Reichl.
Even if you just watch the first 60 seconds, this lip sync-off between Jimmy Fallon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Stephen Merchant is 100% worth it for the laughs. Merchant's commitment to rapping is enviable.
Kate Middleton got major press for not hiding her post-baby body. This photo project takes it to the next level. Photographer, Ashlee Wells Jackson, snaps mothers and their children in nothing but a bra and undies - in all their post-pregnancy glory. Let us all be freed from unrealistic expectations by brutal honesty!
Work Brag Alert!!! My super cool, super smart and super talented co-worker, Nicole Shea, launched an AARP YouTube show with George Takei. It's everything you want it to be and more.
Hashtag, OMG! Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon show us how hashtag silly we sound when we hashtag talk in hashtags. #Hashtag.
I spoke in front of my largest crowd yet this week! This little trick helped me quell my nerves!
I've never laughed harder than when I heard Hiphopopotomus for the first time. All the reasons we miss Flight of the Conchords. Come back to me, Bret!!
Like, people really say like a lot. And it's, like, one of the most annoying things ever. Let's all try to stop saying it so much.
Star Trek art never gets old! An artist turned all 80 original episodes into movie posters.
Speaking of Star Trek...Khan almost wasn't in Star Trek Into The Darkness. Some argue that for such a minor (and yet, iconic?!) character, his appearance in the reboot was odd. Whatever, I'll take Benedict Cumberbatch any way I can get him!
Iconic tweets that gripped the world. They're gripping, no doubt.
10 things Chef Jason Vincent hates. Chief among them: the "man's world" kitchen mentality. Or as Vincent says:
Fuck you! Can you sense a running theme? I would like to buy you a beer, prop you up on a stack of phonebooks front and center in our kitchen and let you watch the women throw the fuck down like you will never be able to. They work harder on a Monday than you do on New Year's. Then, maybe, you can run back to your swinging dick shithole and finally be able to cook yourself out of a Happy Meal. And good luck with the kimchi.
It's not that he hates kimchi...he just hates your shitty kimchi.
I'm headed to Vermont in a few weeks and more than slightly obsessed with leaves changing colors. Here's the science behind why they get all purrty like that!
Speaking of fall, it's decorative gourd season, motherfuckers!
Halloween talk has already started. I hate, hate, hate dressing up. Or maybe not - but only if I can go in one of these crazy pagan ritual get ups!
Have you ever tipped more than 20% on a bill? Way more. Like, $200 more? These guys did.
Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian Mckellan's friendship is an awesome display of undying man love.
While I jet off to New York I'll leave you with Paolo Nutini, a crooner who's swoon-worthy lyrics give John Mayer's a run for their money. Have a great weekend lovahs!
Photo credit: timmelideo via Etsy.