Long week. Longer weekend. Right? I'm ready for a cocktail and some serious time with my Netflix queue.
Love love love (!!) this Harvard Business Review piece on digital strategy. Not to mention all the different types of strategy there can be...it's not one size fits all, folks.
Im not one for the kind of "positive self talk" advice people usually give women, but this piece on putting yourself down puts things in stark contrast, and perspective.
This dachshund taking a bath in the sink is my spirit animal.
Do you cry at work? Admittedly, I cry at work plenty. Hard days, bad days, super super frustrating days when I can't just blurt out, "WHY ARE YOU BEING A JERK!!!" It happens. I'm not one for flaunting it though - I hit the bathroom, close my office door or take a walk and call my dad. I give myself 15 min and then I get my shit together and move on.
The business of being a spy. Everyone has to do expense report. Everyone.
I've been thinking a lot about flexibility and security as a function of financial independence lately. My pursuit of money has never about acquiring stuff, it's always been about feeling secure. So when Penelope Trunk's advice on reinvention included "compartmentalizing your debt," I thought that was interesting perspective.
Context matters - listen, ask questions and always, always seek first to understand before you open your mouth in business and in life.
Best opening line of an article...ever: “I used to work for WD-40,” says Helen Way, senior marketing manager for Astroglide. “And when I started at Astroglide, I told all my friends: I’m back in the lube business—and this time, it’s personal.”
What a huge day for marriage equality and the LGBT community! I'm thrilled for us all - because really, what's wrong with a world that has a little more love in it? My friend Danny shared a song that really just encapsulates it all. Have a wonderful weekend, dears!