My dad has been sending me links to articles to read, much like people would clip articles out of the paper and send them to loved ones. I'm enjoying it because I start to understand more about myself through this extension of my father. I've shared a few of his links with you below - we're both clearly business, efficiency and productivity nerds.
She's white, a red head and Jewish. And she's a Latina comedian bringing a community together through laughing about our differences.
From Dad: complaining and hanging out with negative people hardwires our brains for more complaining and negativity.
How to talk about your project.
I love Wawa and apparently I'm not alone. Wawa has a long and interesting history, with a huge and dedicated fan base.
From Dad: 12 habits of super productive people.
"There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way who nods at them and says, "Morning boys, how's the water." And the two young fish swim on for a bit and eventually one looks at the other and says, "What the hell is water?!" An excerpt from David Foster Wallace's speech to a graduating class at Kenyon explores the small choices - the banal existence life is made up of - that make life wonderful.
Frida Kahlo's house is one of my most favorite places. It's almost exactly how I always envisioned my own house would look if I could build it from scratch!
If a $2 million secret society sounds weird as fuck, the story about it is even weirder.
Alain de Botton has a fabulous take on success, bonus points for reminding us what makes a snob a snob.
From Dad: four mistakes people make when negotiating and tips to avoid them.
Have a wonderful weekend, dears!