After a break from the weekend reads, they're back! It's mostly fun stuff this round - probably because most of what I've been consuming has been a few moments of fun stuff between meetings or on my metro ride home!
Do you live in a bubble? Protected by class, income - or your parents. I thought this 25 question quiz was SO interesting. Not just because of what they ask, but the outcome. I scored 29. What do you score?
Photoshopping old YA books with very NSFW titles had me laughing so hard my abs hurt.
The Brasil Open Tennis Tournament used ball dogs instead of ball boys! It was all to show you can teach an old dog new tricks and promote adoption. *heart emoji*
Mathematically, Tyrion is the most important character in Game of Thrones.
Turn up your volume and play selected tracks from noted musicians when you read this piece about DC's hardcore scene. (No, really! It's thoroughly enjoyable and will make you want to get up and move.)
The best closed captioning.
Bill Gates reads a lot (shocking), so how does he get the most out of each book? He explains here.
When Aunt Flo is a real person, it gets too real.
Have a wonderful weekend, dears! Here's a throwback to start your weekend right!
Photo Credit: Me! (Alejandra Owens)