2014, what's your deal? Do you need a xanax? A hot bath with some bubbles and a glass of wine maybe? Chill the hell out, man! The first couple weeks of this year have been jam packed at work. Plenty of social stuff too, but by the time I get home I'm too tired to even muster a phone call home to remind my parents I'm still alive! This three-day weekend is going to be a great mini break. Maybe I can get some work done and get back on track? Or maybe I'll just sleep a ton and that'll be all I accomplish. Either way it's a win!
Jimmy Kimmel has celebrities read mean tweets to them, but what about politicians? Claire McCaskill's twitter "fan" had some choice words about her.
Are you Type A? I am most definitely Type A.
For the guys out there: a helpful chart to get you out of the dreaded friend zone!
#Humblebrag: AARP launched Lean In Circles this week! I'm very proud of my company embracing the Lean In and women's empowerment movement. But now that we (women at large) have leaned in...now what?
The woman behind Feminist Ryan Gosling.
When being single isn't a problem to be solved.
Four questions everyone should ask themselves (and they are not touchy feely).
The restaurant industry and parents went at it again this week. An 8 month old baby had the pleasure of dining at Alinea...with disastrous effects.
Are you really eating four different kinds of oysters?
Restaurants spend a lot of money on old and reclaimed decor.
Shit gets real when it comes to the truffle industry. And I'm not talking about chocolates.
Books! Books! Books! Books to read before their movie version hits theaters. Books to read about inspiring food stories!
Online dating sucks. It sucks even more for women...as one dude found out.
How to powerful and likable...a study in Jenna Lyons.
Have a great (long) weekend, lovahs! You'll find me in my bed, reading or sleeping...like, a lot of sleeping.
Photo Credit: Society 6, K Is For Black