It was my first real week back at work and it was a doozy. If this is any indication of how 2014 plans on going, I'll be girding my loins. I won't waste any more time here though, there's a lot to go over this week...
Traveling abroad can be hilarious sometimes. My friend Rivka's recount of her trips to Florence and Paris made me laugh. The recipe for fig cookies is a bonus.
I generally regard myself as terrible in the grammar department, but I scored a 100% on this quiz! My reward should be some of Rivka's fig cookies.
Fan of the game Cards Against Humanity? I present: Ladies Against Humanity.
Penelope Trunk, per usual, drops some stark honesty in her assessment of women who say they don't want to work. (Spoiler: she thinks it's great. At least they're being honest.) But what's more interesting to me is the call for honesty from women who DO want to work AND have children...
Someone has strong feelings about photo-taking naysayers.
This comedian's response to a (racist) heckler was pitch perfect.
Working in the digital space? Webb Media Group's trend report is a must read.
Dating. Dating in DC. Ugh. I've been talking a lot about this subject with friends lately, but this article from a men's/dating coach really brought it home. Guys, if you're doing that whole "we'll go out, but it's not really a's figure out if I want to take her on a date" thing...this is for you. Or maybe dating just isn't for you.
The Dogist. (Like The Sartorialist but with 100% more puppy dog looks.)
What if T-Rex was released in New York City? How much people would he need to eat a day to survive?
I live in a city so obsessed with the damn weather we have a whole blog dedicated to it. Alternatively, we don't even handle nice weather graciously. My friend Chris Shott's piece: Dog Dazed: The District Grapples With Ordinary Weather was spot on.
I'd be played by Kate Beckinsale in an action romance movie! You?
Big topic in the news this month: anxiety. Kat Kinsman of CNN penned this (somewhat anxiety inducing) recount of her search for joy while living with anxiety. One of my favorite lifestyle/design bloggers, Bri Emory, wrote this piece on living with a much more mild case of anxiety, paired with insecurity. I think I'll have more on this topic later but I'm not sure how much I'd like to share and/or jump on the talking-about-our-anxiety bandwagon.
Would you like to see creativity thrive at your company? Hire three women.
If one of your resolutions is to branch out and read more this year, try this oldie-but-goodie round up of great magazines as a starting point.
Another big topic on the web so far this year: the hell that is the ven diagram of where the internet meets women. Amanda Hess wrote this fabulous piece on why women aren't welcome on the internet. Many people wrote their own spin off articles but this one from Atlantic writer Conor Friedersdorf was especially poignant.
On a lighter note: you know how there's different ways to dress for different body shapes? Now we have a make up guide for different shaped eyes!
All 107 men of Sex and the City. Ranked. (Just for John Slattery! He needs a higher rank!!)
Phew! That was a long one, lovahs! It's a rainy, gross mess outside here today and I'm looking forward to a couch-bound weekend! Whatever you do, have a wonderful time! Here's a head-bopping happy jam to get it started: