Don't you just love that little cutie pictured above? His name is Leo and he's livin' the life with my friend Lindsay in San Fran. Lindsay also happens to be a part of an awesome group called Women Catalysts. Their mission is to "inspire more women to action. We believe that when we work together, we can do great things." The only thing I love more than that mission is their awesome tag line: Kick Ass. Take Names. Send Thank You Notes. If you'd like to buy the tote bag featured in the pic, scroll to the bottom of this post for a link to their shop site.
Cher and Tina Turner singing Shame, Shame, Shame really made my day.
14 little psychological tricks everyone should know. (Body language, you're such a dead giveaway.)
I'm trying to read more - and not in the beach reads, romcom sort of way (though I do love that). I'm feeling a bit wistful about my high school and college literature courses and it sounds like Valeria Luiselli might be the author to scratch that itch.
If literature just isn't your hustle, maybe you just want to be a better online reader.
TBH I don't even care that this reporter asked Serena Williams why she wasn't smiling and happy after her big win. I care way, way more that Serena answered with brutal, unapologetic honesty. As a lady boss who says what she means, I think a lot of good can come out of being straight up honest.
Speaking of honesty, Seth Godin punched me in the gut this week with this nugget:
"The most devastating thing we can learn about our power is how much of it we have. How much change we could make if we would only speak up first, not last. How much influence we can have if we're willing to to look someone in the eye and say, 'yes.' Or, 'this is our problem, too.' Or, 'this must stop.'"
What really matters at the end of one's life? This Ted talk is emotional, raw and so, so elegantly delivered.
I am really loving Broadly (Vice's female-informed channel). This piece on sexuality and people with disabilities toggles between refreshingly human and voyeuristically detailed.
Who knew boxed wine could be a story of such drama and intrigue? Franzia drops it all: murder, the mob and family feuding.
If I ever told my mom about the newly coined term "microaggression" I'm pretty sure she'd scoff at me and tell me to get bigger problems. This piece on how grown-ups deal with microaggressions could have been written by her.
I've been on a Fleetwood Mac and TLC kick all week. I've had Creep on repeat and it takes me right back to middle school. Plus, I just love the attitude with which T-Boz delivers the first line: "'s me again..." Have a great weekend, dears!
Image source: shop the Women Catalysts tote (and support boss ladies everywhere!)