This week kicked my ass. Am I alone in that? My hermit-ish ways continue and were completely at odds with a bustling after-work social schedule. This weekend I'm looking forward to a some napping (wish it was by a lake, see: above), some brunching and an Oscars party with Jenna, Nikki and Tammy. What are you guys up to? Here's some links to check out while you don't want to get out of bed on Saturday:
I adore my coffee shop, and I can't function without coffee first thing in the morning. If someone paid for my coffee, man, I'd be a pig in shit! There's a coffee shop where everyone pays for the next person's cup of coffee! I'm seriously considering doing this now...a little good karma...a little cuppa joe. Can't go wrong, right?
People are always talking about work/life balance, and I'm kinda at the point where I think it's hooey. At least for the profession I'm in. Brazen Careerist has three handy tips for achieving real work/life balance...and it has nothing to do with putting down your iPhone/iPad/Kindle.
Mmmmm RyGos. That hey girl shit never gets old!
It was just a few weeks ago that DC was named the 9th Drunkest City in the US by Daily Beast. A noteworthy honorific if I've ever heard one, so when my friend told me about the NIH's "how close are you to being a bonafide alcoholic" quiz, I was intrigued. Me? I can quit whenever I want!
Grant McCracken over at Harvard Business Review thinks snark is out and sweet is in. Kinda interesting to think about. How might that trickle down to the average person, say, on the internet, a notoriously snarky, acerbic place?
Fiery, looping plasm rain on the sun. 'Nuf said.
Last but not least, The Beyonce Sandwich. It's a thing, and I want to eat it.
Photo credit: Alejandra Owens (me!)