In my professional life, everyone's getting ready for SXSW to start next week. I won't be going this year, but this graphic from Wired is just freakin' spot. On. Quotation marks and all. Don't worry techy/Twitter/bloggy friends - I won't be muting you from my streams. I'll just be annoyingly tweeting snark back at you. #AllThosePanelsKindaSuck. Anyway...on to the weekend reads:
Cool job alert: New York Magazine is hiring an Associate Manager of Social Media. Jump on it young ones. Jump on it.
Did you know that Calvin Klein used to leave a Pantone chip for his chef to indicate what color his coffee should be? If I ever get that coffee cabana boy I've been jonesin' for, I'll be using this #protip.
Remember last week when I said work/life balance is hooey? The lovely, and spot-on, Morra Aarons-Mele touches on the "having it all" falsity, but focuses on a conversation about compromise...with ourselves. I seriously feel a #GSD post coming about this topic.
Charles Bukowski is a beautiful poet. Someone near and dear to me told me about Bluebird. It pretty much describes how I feel about matters of the heart right now. Bonus: Tom Waits recites The Laughing Heart, also by Bukowski.
Dave Weigel is best known for his whip smart political reporting and hilarious, deadpan tweets. And his take on the Oscars, per usual, had me snorting. But what I found touching was the somewhat buried line about his own struggle with depression. Also, he thinks baseball is boring. Amen, and preach!
By now, most of you have probably seen this touching story of a basketball coach putting the team's manager in the season-ending game...and the character defining act that happened at the end of it. Grab a tissue box, you're gonna need the whole thing.
GQ's Make It Stop list from last week is hilarious, and just what you need after watching that basketball video.
ICYMI: I did a two part #GSD this week. Part one gets you all set up on social media and following blogs. Part two establishes a routine for actually using that set up.
Have a great weekend, y'all!
Graphic via Wired, iPad edition, March 2013.