Weekend Reads: 50+ Reads When You Need To Escape Your Family
Fresh off a vacation in Healdsburg, CA where I drank wine, ate amazing food and bonded with Jenna, I'm back home in Arizona for the holiday. Work emails seem to be slowing down, but I can't wait for the complete halt and eventual radio silence. All I want for Christmas is the ability to turn my brain off for a couple weeks. Doesn't that sound nice?
When to quit your journalism job. Or, why you should care about the business side of media no matter what side you're on.
Sean Plott aka Day[9] is a hugely popular figure in the gaming community, his talk about how to build community is invaluable for anyone working in digital strategy.
The best article from each issue of The New Yorker.
We've all heard of the damage invasive species can cause, but New Zealand is on a bloody crusade to get rid of theirs.
ICYMI: Shonda Rhimes on the glass ceiling.
44 great reads for that moment when you need to avoid your family.
A 5 year old girl's take on Princess Leia's slave girl outfit is pretty hilarious.
55 movies to see before you turn 30 (female edition). Strong endorsement for Bachelorette.
Two weeks of time off means some serious cooking...and I will be making this pasta.
My best friend is running a Kickstarter campaign to fund her self-published children's book, Two! Consider donating if you know or have a crazy little person in your life!
"Drinking And Talking" about how the sausage is made with prominent lobbyists in DC.