Some of my friends are making resolutions and some of them are choosing themes and words to live by in 2015. Maybe this is a resolution? I'm looking at it more like real changes that have needed to take place in my life for a long time. I need to be more selfish. Not in the bad sense, but in the, I need to take care of myself, especially in my relationships and life balance sense. I also need to care less about what others think of me. Am I a good person who 99% of the time operates under the best of intentions? Yes. Am I ever going to live a life that pleases 100% of the people around me, friends/family or not? Nope. I'm just a girl, doin' the best I damn well can. With a serious fire in my belly, all I can say is...bring it 2015.
What just happened? 2014 review from the perspective of a VC.
Making the magazine. A compilation of behind the scenes pieces at your favorite (and indy) publications.
The history of champagne in hip hop culture. Sorry...too soon to mention booze?
I've been on a real Netflix kick lately - here's 25 art documentaries to watch while they still have 'em.
The Atlantic takes a look at Erik Erickson, who runs, and asks if his Tea Party conservative influence still holds as it once did.
Maybe in 2015 you should have some drinking no more picklebacks and throwing up on wine tours...
Eater dove into long form writing this year - but here's the 15 best pieces they wish they'd written.
22 things that happen when you're friends with your bartenders. It's a rough life.
I have no idea why, but this creamy chicken broccoli casserole looks absolutely delicious to me right now!
LA Taco Truck confessions is the best reality anything I've seen in awhile.
I have three more glorious days off until I get back to work again, but until then it's more r&r.