“It's a tale as old as time, and one that people would rather not see. Girl meets boy, boy ignores girl, then maybe sleeps with her, then ignores her, then remembers she's around, then forgets again and lives his life. Girl yearns for this punk the whole time, despite his complete indifference to her existence. Which, GIRL.” Ugh.
Mommy Dead & Dearest is an HBO documentary that follows the life and abuse of Gypsy Rose at the hand of her mother Dee Dee. It's sad, it's shocking, it's heartbreaking and it leaves you with a gut punch you can't ignore.
lol millennials.
I'm on a book tear lately so when someone mentioned Juan Rulfo, a Mexican writer few have heard of but many were influenced by, I added him to my list.
Another heartbreaking watch (sorry, guys, sorry). Teen marriage in Nepal is more common than not and on the rise. Watching two teens marry is bad enough, knowing that neither want it is worse, but the commentary from the families as they forcibly unite the two is the cherry on top of a shit sundae.
Leaving your 9-to-5 job for freelance is a leap of faith in yourself and your talents, but don't do it without a plan!
"It was only when the first male employee of the radium firm died that experts finally took up the charge." Buzzfeed's long read on the radium girls of World War I is disturbing and infuriating.
“I spend all day responding to people at work. And by the time I get home I don’t feel like responding to people who matter most. I mean, my dad called last week, and I let it go to voice mail. I still haven’t called him back. Isn’t that messed up?” That quote rang too true for me and the article left me feeling buoyed by the end.
Kitchen fails that made me giggle...and feel better about myself.
I'm from Arizona and grew up picnicking in Saguaro National Park. Fun Fact: the saguaro is a beautiful and majestic cactus that will only grow in the Sonoran Desert! Support our national parks and support the beauty of the desert by purchasing some very cool cactus-wear.
Vogue's story on Latina style in Los Angeles reminded me of when I was in middle school. Dark lip liner and light lip gloss, anyone?