The language we use to talk about love is largely traumatic, extreme and painful, argues Mandy Len Catron.
Minimalism. I think of stark white walls and Danish style homes with nearly nothing in them. According to these guys, that's not too far off - but more important is the idea using stuff to make us happy. Spoiler alert: stuff never makes anyone happy. (If you're kind of into it, they have a minimalism game that's a more extreme exercise in decluttering.)
The reporters who broke the Panama papers have some ideas for the American press about how to handle news in the age of Trump and Sean Spicer.
Harvard is now offering their photography classes online for free! Sounds good if you were looking for a new hobby.
Growing up, I never found a keychain or a mug with my name on it. Alex, Alexandra or Alexa were all there, but not Alejandra! It wasn't until one day in the mall a kiosk selling personality profiles based on your name had a whole Spanish language section did I finally find something with my name on it. Now I know, I am not alone.
That's all I got, so have a wonderful weekend, dears. Stay warm!