The wonders of a little time off. This year my head has been foggy, forcing me to focus on that which is in front of me most of the time. All work, no play.... I often wonder if I'm interesting enough or at least a worthy conversation partner over dinner. I've spent the last few days clearing the fog and the result has been wonderful. Reading and watching interesting things makes me feel a little more me again.
"Look around at the mediocre men who were hired just because they were men. Get hired because you are a woman or person of color and then do a bloody brilliant job in that role." Cindy Gallop has a different take on living, working and loving and it just might be the bold warrior cry you need...
Why some people burn out and others don't.
This six minute mini-documentary about the Japanese Yakuza has beautiful photography and is dotted with interesting facts you can share at your next happy hour date.
So many things going wrong, and there are so many things to complain about. "Are my complaints expressive or instrumental? Are they important or trivial? Am I directing them at people who actually have the power to help?" The WSJ has five tips for better, more productive complaining.
Make a list of all the things you want to do in life. Cross off everything that isn't rooted in people or experiences. Alexis Ohanian says this is your life list now.
There's been so much chatter about Putin and Russia lately, but if past is prologue then it's time to learn more about this fascinating country. This three-part documentary from the BBC, Empire of the Tsars gives you a look into the history of the autocratic empire from the 17th century until World War I. (1, 2, 3)
An exercise in learning about your ancestry could also contribute to an ever-growing research database that helps the scientific community. I finally ordered a 23 And Me kit to find out exactly where I come from and maybe answer some nagging questions about my ancestry.
"Hire and train and seek out the batteries. They're priceless."
Sending lots of love out to the tough ones.
Photo: Buy this print from Etsy seller BeauTypographie