It's the home stretch folks! The last bits of the year. The last bits of our vacation time. I know most of us are extremely happy to leave 2016 behind us, but I don't quite have that feeling. While the calendar ends on the 31st - a nice, neat dividing line - all the things that bugged me about the year have tentacles that stretch well into the new year if I let them. I'm less worried about leaving 2016 in the dust and more worried about taking a hatchet to those tentacles!!
Pixar is taking on Day of the Dead as a theme in its upcoming animated film, Coco. Dubbed a "love letter to Mexico," the cast now includes Gael Garcia Bernal among others. They seem to be taking great lengths to be as culturally accurate and aware as possible...should be interesting to see how it turns out!
Inappropriate humor is my favorite. (You've been warned...)
What's wrong with the L.A. Times? Apparently a lot.
Remember that Sinbad movie, Shazaam? It came out in the 90s? Yeah, me too. doesn't exist.
15 more documentaries to add to your Netflix watchlist: Latino edition.
Do you love the idea of a warm fire, snuggly blankets and a warm cup of coffee/tea/hot cocoa? Then, my friend, you love hygge!
The only constant is change. How you manage change in your life, at work and in your relationships is the difference between constant discomfort or healthy optimism. This article on how to manage change was one of the better ones I've read in a while.
"There's always a countdown when you realize I am not fluent in Spanish..." this guy gets Latinos' complicated relationship with knowing, or not knowing, Spanish.
Writer and editor Kat Kinsman asked her Facebook followers, "What's your favorite thing that you wrote this year?" The result is a thread of bookmark worthy articles.
If your New Year's resolution is to have more random conversations or sit at bars and meet people...then this article has some tips for you.
How much ambition can a marriage take?
This one is another bookmark worthy link: 24 long form food stories Eater thinks were stand outs in 2016.
Have a wonderful rest of the year, dears!
Photo credit: Me! (Alejandra Owens)