Life. That biatch. She happened again! The last few months have been a whirlwind of travel and change and friends and way, way over scheduling myself. While it's been fun, I'm taking a permanent marker to my planner and scrawling "NO PLANS" across the next two weeks. I don't know about you guys, but I end up craving quiet time at home when things get nutty and that's just what I need right now. I hope you enjoy some of the links I've been collecting over the last few weeks!
PS - I wish I could take credit for that awesome quote, but I can't and it was passed on to me by a very dear friend from someone who said it to her. If it's an original quote, let it enter the hive mind of the internet. If it's not, let me know who said it in the comments. I think it's the best thing someone could say to me on a hard day, to be honest!
How do you apply the principles of social media across all platforms? A good read from Buzzfeed on their approach to apps.
We all know Steve Jobs really knew how to GSD (and usually with some debate over his approach to it) but a few lessons learned from how he ran meetings are straightforward and universal.
The Economist put out a great paper on the rise of the marketer. Spoiler alert: it's not just about conversions and the bottom line anymore.
Serif vs. Sans Serif. If you're in digital anything, bookmark this.
Am buying these ribbons for my coworkers who endure meeting-filled weeks.
Resumes for men and women are verrrrry different. Take notes, ladies.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) April 2, 2015
Isn't that a nice way to think about things? I think so.
If you don't know who Desus and Mero are, it's probably time you learn.
Our culture is not one that embraces civil discourse anymore. We seem to either be sheltering ourselves from others' ideas or rampantly assaulting anyone who will listen with our own. What role do universities play in creating "safe spaces" versus an intellectual space.
Capellini en brodo. Maybe the best way to my heart.
These three ladies have a collective resume and rolodex that would put any DC-er to shame.
Bored and Brilliant. What if putting down your phone increased your creative output?
85 hilarious tweets for when you need to turn that frown upside down!
What does it mean to be a badass (woman)?
When drinking isn't alcoholism - cutting back on heavy drinking.
We usually hear about not wanting or wanting kids from a woman's perspective, but what happens when men know they want kids and women are not so sure?
Tavi on Acting Out.
Have a great weekend friends! Here's some new Ester Dean if you're in the mood for some rap this week!
Image Source: Me! (Alejandra Owens)