I don't have any resolutions for 2016. I have more of a priority, I guess. It's me. 2015 taught me so much about my resilience and my character - it also taught me a lot about my limits and brought to light how often I put myself on the back burner. I want to focus on my health and my passions - I want to find environments I can thrive in and return to those places as often as I can. It will be an exercise, but eventually I figure it will become a habit.
As a start, I did something that I've wanted to do for so long. I launched a newsletter. It's called The Commuter's Club. Once a week I'll share one or two links of some of the best, brightest or most thought provoking information about digital strategy and content marketing. So, if you found me because of our professional passions, subscribe! I think it will be fun!
Spanish and Mexican-American poetry is my secret love, so when my friend Sabrina posted this NYT piece on author's favorite poems, it got me thinking. My favorites are Your Laughter by Pablo Neruda and You Bring Out The Mexican In Me by Sandra Cisneros.
Terry Tao is a mathematician. He's our generation's mathematic genius and he doesn't play into any "beautiful mind" trope that we've come to know.
Procrastination is actually a coping mechanism...for dealing with stress. What a bummer that the thing that we use to avoid stress usually causes us more. But if you can master it, you can win!
What pain do you want in your life? (A better question than what do you want out of life?) "This is the most simple and basic component of life: our struggles determine our successes. So choose your struggles wisely, my friend." Reminds me of this, too.
The price of admission: Dan Savage on love, relationships and the bullshittery of the idea that "the one" exists. Read also, The Fussy Suitor Problem for a dose of the paradox of choice dipped into the world of dating.
Terry Pratchett, writer of fantasy worlds is games, comics and movies, remembered by his daughter for bringing magic into her life.
Apparently, if you don't want stress to bring you down, all you have to do is try to see the opportunity, benefits or good in it!
New year, new beginning. Thinking of doing a major career switch? This five year plan might help.
René Redzepi's acceptance speech after his restaurant, Noma, reclaimed its position as best restaurant in the world is a beautiful homage to the unknown, failure and the complexity of teams. Start at 4:40 for the juicy stuff. Bonus: watch Noma: My Perfect Storm to see the man and the team in action.
How to shine: really be yourself. (Oof, the struggle. It's real.)
I'm reading Brené Brown's book on imperfection right now and fell into a rabbit hole of her talks and videos. This one on why your critics don't matter was particularly great.
We hear it all the time at work, do more with less! Stretch your resources as far as they can go! Then we're told to innovate on top of it all. What if we did the absolute best we can with exactly what we've got?
Have a wonderful weekend, dears! I'm still listening to Justin Bieber like it's my job so I'm not posting a video. If you have new songs I should replace it with...let me know!