Sometimes a vacation is exactly what you need. And exactly what you don't need, because comparison is the root of discontent. I say this with a chuckle, because my four-turned-five day vacation in Mexico was beautiful and restful and transformative all at the same time. But it also stood in such stark contrast to so much of my day-to-day life back at home. Vacations are supposed to be super different, you say!! This guy disagrees, and I think I'm starting to agree with him more and more.
A basically incurable flesh eating disease exists in the world...but only because drug companies can't make a profit selling it to the 1 billion (mostly) poor people who contract it.
Hello! Adele's new song has inexplicably sent me into tears several times this week, but I-D's profile of her is a long read that did not.
Darwin's pro and con list for getting married is entertaining to say the least.
Why are you so unhappy? What choices do you make that enable your unhappiness? What can you say to no to in order to be happier. Lady Gaga digs deep and gets to the heart of it.
Have you ever heard of The Homies? I have a small collection of the cholo and chola figurines myself, but Vice did a phenomenal profile of a man who made millions off of them.
I'm done trying to deny it, I'm a Belieber. The video for Sorry doesn't have a single clip of Bieber's angsty brow and I like it that way. These chicas inspired many full-length mirror dance parties through the week. Enjoy!
Photo Credit: Me! (Alejandra Owens)