Oh man I love pun-y cards! In fact, I love them so much I've got a blog post full of em for next week. I can't wait...hopefully you like it too. Well, lovahs, I hope you are all have a wonderful weekend, ooey gooey Valentine's style or not. I'm read for a weekend of binge watching House of Cards on my new TV and Roku from my bed. To say I am excited is perhaps an understatement.
10 things everyone over the age of 30 should have in their home.
I love this piece on getting out of your own way. Every once and awhile I catch myself saying no to myself a lot. It's unnecessary and ridiculous!
Being a parent is hard. My friend Cecelia's first Medium post on the topic is great. My fave line: "And I thought, 'At least she’ll tell her therapist she loved me.'"
What is love? (Baby don't hurt me.)
Michael Sam's coming out is sparking a much needed conversation about openly gay players in the world of professional sports. This Texas sports anchor's speech on the matter is spot. Freakin'. On.
A very cool interactive map that shows all the changes and infrastructure built in Sochi to make the winter games happen.
Facing tough times at work? Design*Sponge's Biz Lady series has 6 fabulous pieces of advice for overcoming work hurdles.
A yoga and writing retreat with Ann Friedman (one of my fave journos right now) could fit the bill for a fall vacay!
Blah, blah people hate House of Cards. I love it! I love it in the way you can only love totally hatable characters.
An ode to carbs. Be still, my heart! I love the warm, cozy embrace of pasta carbonara too!
Various authors quoted on fashion. My fave from Simon Doonan: “Every designer needs an iconic look. If the South Park boys cannot make a recognizable cartoon of you, then you need to up the ante. You need a signature flourish, non?”
Um, yeah, why are so many farmers committing suicide?
Can't wait to read: Women, work and the art of gender judo.
Blah, blah a bunch of people told me the gender wage gap is a myth that's been debunked when I shared this earlier this year. Don't wanna hear it, still made me laugh.
I can't imagine why women would want to turn down casual sex if men are calling them sluts afterward. (Oh and dudes aren't even trying to be good in bed.)
This little penguin likes science!
I'm closing out the week with a little Latin flavor, so here's some Ozomotli for your orejas (ears).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKCOvXDgST8] Photo source: The Indigo Bunting for Paperless Post.