Weekend Reads: Perfectionist Overfunctioning, Takis & Cholos
I've been talking a lot about "authenticity" lately. Authenticity, as a concept, is starting to feel awfully crafted, intentional and more like an offshoot of personal branding than actually being yourself. I have a working theory that most of us who tout authenticity in the work we do are actually really uncomfortable with the concept of it when it comes to ourselves. I don't think that means we're a bunch of self-loathing people running around, I think we just don't really know ourselves all that well. Anil Dash had some wonderful things to say about how knowing - and sharing - your values, has a ripple effect for your success and the success of others.
"Both entitlement and unworthiness are the work of the resistance. The twin narratives make us bitter, encourage us to be ungenerous, keep us stuck." #ImposterSyndrome wuuuut.
Perfectionist overfunctioning: doing too much, all the time and doing it with an unreasonable expectation of perfection. I can 100% relate and it's been the bane of my existence this year.
"You don't go to Mexico CIty for rest and relaxation...You’ll start with trepidation, finish breathless and spent, and before your head stops spinning, you’ll find yourself wondering how long before you can do it again." Even my dad is sending me articles about Mexico City now.
"I am a woman, I am a Mexican but that is just part of the many ingredients that make me who I am. It's more three dimensional than the particular labels." I love the story of Alondra de la Parra. It's inspirational but it's also rooted in deep passion and ridiculously hard work.
Asking when you're going to get a promotion? As a boss-lady, I can tell you, you're asking the wrong question.
Traveling alone freaks me out, but Addie's piece on self discovery and learning about yourself through the lens of other cultures hit home for me.
Disagreeing with someone isn't the end of the world and it certainly isn't the end of a partnership or opportunity for collaboration. I think this goes for personal relationships as much as work relationships too.
Cholos trying kale and kombucha is the best thing I've seen all week. "It's organic and raw." "Psshhh I'm organic and raw."
A few years ago I discovered a most glorious snack: Takis. They're a crunchy and delicious nibble and if you haven't experienced them then you are just missing out! These kids love them more than I do, I think. Have a great weekend, dears!