Weekend Reads: Puppets, Work Jerks & Signing Rap
If you can't tell me the difference between an objective, a goal, a strategy and a tactic right now get to reading this chapter from Buck Up, Suck Up. Your stock will increase at work if you can put everything you do through this process.
I get asked a lot about working with jerky people or how to deal with people with attitudes. Harvard Business Review has some solid advice. I'd add, don't take it personal. 90% of the time when someone is a jerk at work, it has nothing to do with you.
Lately I've been saying that I can't wait until I turn 50 so I can wear nothing but Eileen Fisher's clothes. I just love her and now that I know how she got her start, I love her even more.
"I want the work to reflect my level of gifts and talent. I don't want it to reflect my color or my sex or my age. That's what I want." - Viola Davis on her massively successful career and legacy. That's what I want too!
Music is for everyone, and Amber Galloway Gallego is making sure rap, specifically, is for the deaf too.
Here's a shameless plug for my teammate, David Friedman. He produced this beautiful mini-doc about Ricky, a puppeteer, and Doris, a retired dance critic, and their unconventional friendship in New York City.
Dating in "the best city for love" in a nutshell: "When confronted with a surplus of women, men become promiscuous and unwilling to commit to a monogamous relationship. In societies with too many women, the theory holds, fewer people marry, and those who do marry do so later in life. Because men take advantage of the variety of potential partners available to them, women’s traditional roles are not valued, and because these women can’t rely on their partners to stick around, more turn to extra familial ambitions like education and career." From, All The Single Ladies.
I'm still waiting for the song of the Summer to come out so I'm revisiting some of my favorites from last year. Nico & Vinz never quite made it, but I really think they deserved it. Have a wonderful weekend dears!
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