Weekend Reads: Girl Scout Cookies, Frida Kahlo & Strawberry Cake
This is a short one since I've been traveling for about two weeks and had my nose in this biography about Frida Kahlo the whole time.
As a hiring manager, soft skills are some of the most desirable skills an applicant can have - here's how to showcase them.
It's Girl Scout cookie season! I don't have wine or beer or whiskey pairings to share with you this year, instead I have the Jewish history behind Girl Scout cookies. Who knew!?
This long read about a KGB agent, one of the infamous "illegals" from the 80s era spy operation, is fascinating. Just as exciting as The Americans but with devastingly sad co sequences.
I would like to make this strawberry cake.
The young art school singer/songwriter who impressed Pharrell has released her first EP and it's dreamy.
Google Maps + Lists = travel heaven. Or an easy button solution every time you have a friend in town that asks you for the best coffee shops.