Weekend Reads: Indecision, Sex Clubs & Quality Time
My friend Kate snapped this pic and shared it with me - it's very apropos of the last couple weeks we've had. More on our plates than we'd care to be handling, but at the same time, embracing it all and rolling with the waves rather than against them. Eat it up, dears. Sometimes you just gotta eat it up!
What makes us so indecisive? Spoiler: It doesn't have anything to do with disposition.
Some people think emotional intelligence is either bullshit or just not a "thing." Not true, I say! This quick NYT read outlines four areas of emotional intelligence for leaders. But honestly. they're also good for your personal life too.
What happens when you judge 3 million books by their covers? You get an interesting data set!
One night in Berlin's most notorious sex club. Oof.
“You are speaking from a position of privilege,” Jack said, “so you have no right to criticize us or tell us what to do.” Politically correct Lord of the Flies.
This man is deciding what is popular on the internet.
Making friends as an adult is hard, it just is. Quartz explains the weirdest types of friendships you end up in at 30, but my favorite is the "Does this friendship make sense?" graph.
I love Frank Bruni's piece on the myth of quality time. I love it for two reasons: humans don't perform intimacy and connectedness on cue and I have always loved spending a flood of time with friends and family. I totally crave the volume of connection and I hate being relegated to a time slot.
I have no music video for you this week as I've been listening to the same Justin Bieber song on rotation and I'm embarrassed enough by it. Have a great weekend, dears!