Weekend Reads: Bitter Nerds, Falling In Love & Dirty Talk
Who's ready for a long weekend? The first two weeks back at work were a serious whirlwind and I'm craving some of that clarity of mind I started the year with. I think this weekend will be just what the doctor ordered.
The 10 reasons why I ignored your resume is a good reminder of what hiring managers are looking for.
At the end of an interview, I always ask, "So, do you have any questions for me?" Candidates who ask smart questions go up in stock significantly.
Taking on a tougher job or gearing up to step up on a project? This is a must read checklist for you.
The New York Times' audience engagement strategy is so yawn-worthy.
Honesty and communication are the underpinnings of any successful and healthy relationship - so why aren't we all engaging in more dirty talk in the bedroom?
"Hey! How are you?!" "Man, I am so busy!!" WRONG ANSWER!! Why don't you actually tell folks all the interesting, cool stuff you're up to instead of just saying you're busy?
Ramen is still having a total moment in American food culture - but how does it differ from Japan?
This New York Times article about how to fall in love with anyone really made the rounds this week. I'm fascinated by the idea but the list of 36 questions to ask each other sound like the makings for a great conversation anyway.
Are you an alpha lady? These 18 qualities might come in handy when looking for a partner.
I'm looking forward to reading The Plight of the Bitter Nerd: Why So Many Awkward, Shy Guys End Up Hating Feminism.
Recommended reading: Overcoming Obamacare. Written by my friend Philip Klein - if you're a conservative you'll appreciate his pragmatic approach and ample footnoting. If you're pro Obamacare it's like a peek into the mind of the opposition!
Recommended reading: How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are. A fun and flirty beach read for your mid-winter blues, I'll be reading it this weekend!
I'm ready for a long weekend in such a big way! I see a lot of reading and listening to chill music in my future. I'll be starting off with Sam Smith - dude has some serious lungs! Have a good one, folks!
Photo Credit/To Purchase: Jennet Liaw