Alejandra S. Owens

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Weekend Reads: Kiesza, Life Advice & Ghost Busters

I'm back! I'm back!!! I was traveling and/or exhausted the last two week so I decided to give myself a break and just be good to myself. Which means I took Friday mornings to sleep in! And relax! It was lovely and I think you for your patience. I collected so many links in the meantime though that I had to seriously pair it down to the best. Hopefully you dig 'em...

Should your whole staff be on Twitter? Some say it undercuts any larger efforts to innovate. And if you're a journalist, it might impact your ability to survive in your industry

Work, projects, get stressful how do you know it's time to quit

Learning to love criticism. Ha! Right...

I'm thinking a lot about customer service (external customers and internal customers) so I dug this article about telling your team what you want their customers to say about them. Aka, what do you want your reputation to be. 

9 rules for (g)email. 

Comics + journalism = a groundbreaking way to connect people to the news. 

It's okay, nobody knows what the hell they're doing


Taco salads are disrespectful and some ingredients are just too high maintenance. I love Pati Jinich's take on food

Guilty as charged, I often say I'm "busy" when asked how I'm doing. There's five things to consider though, before you scurry on with your busy ways. 

Guys, I've been talking to my hair stylist wrong all these years. I've never wanted long layers...I've wanted SHORT LAYERS. My mind has been blown. (Get it...blown...blow out...HA!?!)

Oof! Gut punch of honesty! When love is not enough

Everyone knows it's Gilmore Girls time on Netflix! I'm looking forward to watching the show for the first time ever, but even The New York Times is excited

When blogging becomes a slog. Honestly, I feel like there's a lot of  hemming and hawing here. If you don't want to blog, don't. If you don't feel like you have anything to say, don't. 

Anthony Bourdain gives pretty good life advice. He's also the future of cable programming, apparently. (RuPaul gives pretty good advice too, fwiw.)

Ghost Busters is the most Libertarian blockbuster of all time. (By my good friend, Phil!)

I recently got into making manhattans at home so this Serious Eats guide to cocktailing at home was interesting. Also, the most comprehensive guide to boozing at home I've ever seen! 

7 strange questions to ask yourself to find your life purpose.

30 is the new 50. The article was a little whiny and immature, HOWEVER, I think there's some relevant nuggets of truth up in there. 

Here's a jam by Kiesza (pronounced Ky-zah) for a nice kitchen dance session this weekend!