Weekend Reads: Mullet Edition
I'm going to try something new here on the Weekend Reads. Kind of like a content mullet, business in the front, party in the back, I'm going to start sharing a few business-related articles up front and then all the fun stuff I know you already love. The reason being that a lot of the business-y links I share at work get a lot of conversations going so why not bring some of those here? Let me know what you think in the comments. If you hate it, we'll dump the work stuff and just keep it fun and light!
6 things your personal website should always have (and 6 things it should never have).
How do you tell someone what you do and not make their eyes glaze over? I thought the focus on emotion and invoking a feeling when you talk about what you do was most interesting.
Everyone loves a good photo slideshow but please, please don't do them this way.
What's your cultural profile? Despite being American, I fall wildly out of the range for "American" behaviors. Interesting to consider in business dealings and management styles at work.
"Don't measure anything unless the data helps you make a better decision or change your actions."
Susan Wojcicki is undertaking a behemoth task: rebooting YouTube.
How Facebook sold you krill oil. (And...ew?!)
And now for the fun stuff...
"The epidemic of passive man is upon us."
Professional coffee folk taste testing shitty coffee is getting old, no?
If you're at a total loss for conversation on a date, use these 5 convo starters as your guide.
All the Buzzfeed listicles you wish they were making.
Are you an emoji whisperer? I'm an 8. Which means I can tooootally text entire sentences in emoji.
I travel to eat in different places, mostly. This list of hotels for food lovers is my new travel list for 2015. Add Praktik Hotel in Barcelona is a bakery/hotel. I'll repeat that, a bakery. Hotel.
If you ever feel like the universe is just always against you? Make it bend in your favor.
My buddy John Stanton tweeted about Lynn Collins' song Think being quite good so I checked it out. Aside from being a catchy tune (and I feel like her hair-do is appropriate for the post today) the lyrics are rarrrr, sassy! Check it out...and have a great weekend guys!
Photo Credit: Tattly's awesome tattoo!