Weekend Reads: FOMO, Raptors & The Zombie Apocalypse
I'm exhausted. I've been going pretty much non-stop since I got back from LA last week. I can hear my mom in my head, "You always do this to yourself. You don't have to do everything!" Except, I hate canceling fun plans with friends! And then there's me...forgetting to write down all my commitments in my date book. Sigh. Speaking of missing out on fun plans...
Fight the FOMO! Ask yourself these four questions before you wonder what you're missing.
What your drink says about you.
10 words to cut from your writing. Even if you just write emails.
Do you have the guts to live a life that sings? Honestly? Sometimes I don't.
Google autocomplete tells us exactly what the world thinks of women.
Gee, those raptors from Jurassic Park have really evolved.
The science of the zombie apocalypse in two minutes and 18 seconds.
All these covers of Katy Perry's Roar with sick kids are just too much for me. All the tears.
Garance Doré's guide to shopping at Zara. Quite helpful.
Ever wonder just how big a threat cyber attacks really are? This near real time Google map of DDos attacks will give you pause.
Know what's really, powerfully sexy?
Tomorrow night is Dinner With Marcella and I've been told to dress like my favorite Italian. Is this too much? Perhaps. I think I'll just go with this look.
This week's video is an awesome study in what happens when technology, music, DJing, design and performance art come together. Also...beat boxing...cause it's cool! Have a wonderful weekend, lovahs! Stay warm!
Humanelectro + "∑(SIGMA)" from Ryo Fujimoto on Vimeo.
Photo: Me! (Alejandra Owens)