Weekend Reads: Khaleesi Braids, Craft Beer & Salinger
How is it June already? I'm looking back at the previous six months and I'm thinking, "Where the hell was I?!" Which makes me want to jam in as much summer fun as I can - grilling pizzas, rooftop wine nights and some long walks that end at the Spanish Steps here in DC. I'm going to get to it, starting with some pool time later today - what are you up to this weekend?
I love documentaries so this one on J.D. Salinger looks fascinating.
I've yet to get fully interested in Reddit but following these sub-reddits seems like a good start.
Oh goodness, it's raining on my face.
Sarah Silverman, I love you. Shit's about to not get crazy.
Pancake juggling. It's a thing.
Chefs read their own shitty Yelp reviews. Not as funny as celebs reading tweets about themselves, but still pretty good.
A map of craft beer could be your new drinking guide for the summer!
Shopping for bras and undies is hard enough, but lingerie? This woman's hilarious account of shopping for the sexy bits at 65 had me belly laughing.
ProTip: Stop calling yourself a freelancer writer. Time to PR that title a bit and get yourself more money, and marketability.
Is it time to get rid of tipping? Read before you freak out...
The best braids from Game of Thrones. Le sigh. I can barely do a basic braid!
And Emilia Clarke (aka Khaleesi) is the sweetest! (h/t Cecelia)
A chart on disagreement. I like the explanation for name calling.
This is how a standard key lock works. Don't know why, that GIF has me mesmerized.
July 1st Google turns off Reader :( Feedly is where I've landed and you need to do a little pre-work to get ready for the switch!
Your weekend jam comes to us from my friend Josh (who's infinitely cooler than me when it comes to music). Enjoy your weekend lovahs!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raqxctNC04k]