Weekend Reads: Rude Hand Gestures & Well Dressed Animals
My mom sent me this photo of an Arizona sunset from our back yard. It kinda sums up everything I love about the state, and definitely has me jonesin' for some home time. And some sun. And sleep. How about sleeping in the sun? Oh that's always the best. Basically I need summer. I'll eat those words in about three months, but whatever.
I'm on a mad travel dash next week, which will be so much fun and also so exhausting. I have my Instapaper loaded up with about a million articles to read, and a crap ton of Doctor Who, Fringe and Neverwhere to watch. I'm going to be the most interesting, nerdiest person after all these flights! But for now, on to the links...
You guys, the Beastie Boys have been around for so. Long. This Adam Yauch tribute video (and related art project) is pretty bad ass.
In times of hardship and tragedy, we all want to say the right thing to the afflicted person. The "Ring Theory" is a handy guide for what you can say and to who.
Anthony Bourdain. Speechless.
Here's an interesting cocktail: The Tallulah, which contains coke, peanuts and whiskey.
More pics of adorable animals wearing clothes.
Paris: 1900/2013. I think I like 1900 better.
Calling Al Gore! This is how you get me into climate change: how it's hurting coffee producers.
What Ali Wore. A seriously dapper gent.
The world's rudest hand gestures. I have a few I could add to this list.
Sad Desk Lunch is sad.
George Plimpton on public speaking: "The more you sweat in advance, the less you’ll have to sweat once you appear on stage." So true George, I've done enough sweating on stage to know the feeling.
How To: Be The Most Tolerable Couple In The World. I'll add: not incessantly using your partner as a reason/excuse why you have to leave events early. That doesn't make me like them, or you, any more.
The Panel Crasher likes to crash DC panel discussions for the...free food. Those familiar with DC event culture know you can sustain yourself on panel food for weeks on end.
Last but not least, here's a song for your weekend. Cinerama's "Your Charms" is sweet and vulnerable and is the perfect soundtrack by which to have your morning cuppa. Have a lovely weekend, lovahs! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD96H18YtC8]
Photo Credit: Me! (Alejandra Owens)