Alejandra S. Owens

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Weekend Reads: Thug Kitchen & Flower Potlucks

DC Spring Honestly, Mother Nature, what the eff is going on with you? It was gorgeous and warm and sunshiny all week. I even refrained from calling in sick to work from my roofdeck and get a good base tan. I told myself, "Friday! Friday, you can work and bask and lay like the Arizona sun-soaking lizard you are!" And then I woke up to this. Whatever. I'm not bitter.

This weekend should be fun though. If you're an American University student check out my panel at the Social Learning Summit: You Are What You Tweet! Other than that I plan on treating myself to some 2Amys, sunning myself (with plenty of 60 SPF and a big hat on) and celebrating my friend's nuptials. Love and sun - that's the theme for the weekend. Now, on to the links...

Thug Kitchen. It's a thing. Sugar snap peas, oh shit!

Mad Men: Then vs Now.

Choosing the right career - are you a promotion-focused person or a prevention-focused person.

Cup of Jo is doing a vocabulary challenge. I like to modify this game by asking my Twitter friend Rich for British slang I can use on the daily.

Hey Girl, don't forget to ask for a raise.

A flower potluck sounds SO FUN! Related: this is how I know I'm getting older. But, clearly, there would be pink champagne involved.

Hilarious: How Animals Eat Their Food.

Guys. Guys! Come on! Pomegranate seeds DO NOT GO IN GUACAMOLE! Shit.

Subways of North America. I want this as a print.

One of our bad ass photographers at work has a fabulous project called All Thrifty States. She's on an east coast road trip documenting the thrift stores of America. Follow the #allthriftystates journey on Twitter, Instagram and like her Facebook page for updates on the project.

And of course: 5 ways to update thrift store art.

Ladies everywhere will squeeee for this one: Hukkster, an online sale tracker and alert system. Sorry bank account :(

3 Ways You Should Never Start An Online Comment. That is all.

If DC Metro ad campaigns told the truth.

Have a wonderful weekend lovahs! When you're sipping your cup of joe, remember these 15 things...
