Alejandra S. Owens

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Weekend Reads: Faces On Buildings & A Song For Game Of Thrones Fans

Easter Treats Calgon. Take me away. Please! I've officially burnt myself out with far too much fun. All that homebody time must have been cosmic preparation for two weeks of delicious food and drink, amazing time with friends and late night conversations. Yeah, I know. Me and my first world problems. At some point I had to start making fun of myself, so I started #bougietweets. Join in the fun. I mean, is this wine corked or is it just "terroir forward"? I guess we'll never know. On to the links!

This reminds me an awful lot of the Detroit photography exhibits I saw at the National Building Museum - people painting faces onto abandoned spaces! Creepy!

Someone turned an abandoned London public toilet into a coffee shop! It's quite gorgeous, though I hope there was liberal applications of Lysol on those urinal-turned-bar parts.

Illustrated quotations from The Oatmeal. Does he ever get it wrong? Um, no.

Shameless self promotion: ICYMI, I want to hug/punch the guy who invented the Long Island Iced Tea.

Y'know. What the fuck is this shit? The New York Times decided Yvonne Brill's obit should lead with:

"She made a mean beef stroganoff, followed her husband from job to job and took eight years off from work to raise three children. 'The world’s best mom,' her son Matthew said."

Instead of, oh, I don't know:

"She developed and patented the electrothermal hydrazine thruster – a rocket propulsion system used by communication satellites to maintain a geosynchronous orbit around Earth. Brill's EHT remains an industry standard to this day, and earned her the National Medal of Technology and Innovation in 2011."

The obit has been changed but women all over the internet will never forget. To Douglas Martin, author of the piece, I say this.

On to cuter things! Like, Maddie, an adorable rescue dog who stands on things! She has her own book now - and even an app! Instead of birds, I'll be putting a Maddie on it.

Want to be more creative? Here's some tactics from the pros. But let's get real, the old fashioned way: whiskey and Radiohead, produced the e*Trade baby. So let's not get too weird out there.

Artist Red Hong Yi is playing with her food on Instagram.

Important stuff for the ladies: the best eyebrow shape for your face. Also, 9 style details you think no one notices but they do. And they judge. With their judging eyes.

This is exactly why I use Evernote.

5 apps every urbanite should have. I'll add Zillow, Uber and Instapaper.

Since Game of Thrones started this week, I'll leave you with this fabulous song that embodies exactly how every fan of the books feels. Write Like The Wind (George R. R. Martin)!! And everyone have a fabulous weekend!
