Weekend Reads: Chewbacca Edition
This week got away from me, man! Each day went faster than the day before it and when I woke up this morning I actually thought to myself, "Is it Saturday?" I wish! As I type, I'm snuggled up on my couch with a big 'ol french press of Intelligentsia coffee and a bowl of greek yogurt with homemade granola and local honey drizzled all up in that piece. This weekend will be packed with tons of fun, but I'm committing to carving out time for a couple workouts. It's the most bang for my buck because it's both healthy AND it's alone time where I can do some thinking. Do you guys crave alone time? I'm such an extrovert, but lately I need more solo time than usual.
Before I bid you adieu, here's some of my favorite links from the week (share yours in the comments! I'm always looking for great new blogs and stuff to read.):
Stuart Freeborn, the guy who designed Yoda and Chewbacca, passed away at 98. To honor his great work, I'll be working on my Chewie impression all day.
8 words you should stop using in your food writing. We've officially moved beyond "yummy" but some of y'all are doing this annoying stuff...a lot.
If you don't see the genius of dogs, well then, we just can't be friends.
Do you know more about the news than the average American? Take the quiz. (I got 13/13, proud to say!)
The Best-Paying Cities For Women included DC at the #1 spot! Go DC! And go ladies!
Not to get all political, but I'm gonna get all political. My friend wrote a spot on post about what's really wrong with the Republican party. I'd really like my party to get their "shiitake mushrooms together," as it were.
CBS has guidelines for what you can't wear to the Grammys, chief among them: side boob. Here's 6 more things.
Design*Sponge is holding monthly Instagram challenges. This month's theme: declarations of love! Tag your loving instas with #DSLoveLetters to participate.
Photo: me! Alejandra Owens.